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Derek Larson
Leveling the Genres
December 7 - 30, 2012

“Enter a bedroom, an office, a mind and a story all at once. Eat a Garfield sandwich with Hegel chips and a glass of Deleuze. Have a hybrid affair, on me. Get the sensation of being connected to everything, feel the art of being everywhere. I’d like to know what it’s like to level the genre distinction but for now I can only imagine it. Leveling the Genres connects and comments on disparate interests in literature, popular culture and technology. Sculptural videos, projected animations and digital/screen prints combine to create an experience meant to last for only a second. Call me, I have a desire to connect.”
-Derek Larson

Derek Larson is an artist living in Georgia. He received his MFA from the Yale School of Art and has exhibited in the US and internationally. Recently he presented his Memes project at the Finnish Museum of Photography in Helsinki. He has participated in a number of residencies including the Yale Norfolk Program and Arteles in Finland. His work has been featured in the Seattle Times, NY Arts Magazine and Rhizome @ The New Museum in New York.