ExhibitionsCurrently on View

Of Water
Makeba “KEEBS” Rainey
Friday, September 6, 2024 - Friday, October 13, 2024

Of Water: NSU BURA

Makeba “KEEBS” Rainey
Opening Reception: Friday,September 6, 2024| 7-9pm | Free-To-Attend
Friday, September 6, 2024 – Friday, October 13, 2024
Presented in Gallery 2

About the Exhibition

Water whispers ancient truths, its flowing currents a mirror to the soul. By its edge, meditation becomes a silent dialogue with the infinite. In its depths lies both clarity and mystery, inviting us to listen to its whispers and embrace its transformative power.

As we drink from its source, we are reminded that our existence is intertwined, a single drop in a vast ocean.

About the Artist

Makeba “KEEBS” Rainey

Originally from Harlem, New York, Makeba is a self-taught artist best known for her digital collage portraits of Black icons.
