Please join us for Nature is Hungry: a screening of films by Catherine Pancake with Sam Pancake in conjunction with our current exhibition That Which Cannot Not Be
Saturday, October 22nd
2:00pm “Nature is Hungry” 2016, 17min (currently on view in “That Which Cannot Not Be” curated by Bree Pickering)
2:30pm Skype talk with actor Sam Pancake
3:30pm “Bloodland” 2015 20min (Artforum International Critic’s Pick at Vox Populi)
4:00pm “Black Diamonds” 2006 72min (Museum of Modern Art Documentary Fortnight, Paul Robeson Award, FreeSpeechTV, PBS, Sundance Channel)
On Saturday October 22nd, filmmaker and sound artist Catherine Pancake will screen three films related to her work on ecological trauma in rural PA and WV. Pancake will screen “Nature is Hungry” a video art work featuring Pancake’s brother Sam Pancake, a successful commercial television and film actor in Los Angeles. Sam returns to the family woodland acreage to process his family role as the eldest son in choosing between conservation or exploitation of the land for cash income through two female drag personas with differing ideological positions about the proposed future of the family land. Sam Pancake will be available by Skype for a public discussion of the work.
The screening of “Nature is Hungry” and artist talk with Catherine and Sam, will be followed by a screening of Pancake’s recent work “Bloodland” influenced by work with citizens affected by natural gas infrastructure in Northeastern PA. The project followed Pancake’s work for University of London/Goldsmith’s “Citizen Sense” that resulting on the Pennsylvania DEP releasing $1.25M in funding to study air quality around natural gas sites AKA “fracking.” Pancake will also screen her 2006 feature film ‘Black Diamonds” that screened over 100 times and became a rallying point for citizens engaged with fighting mountaintop removal coal mining in Southern WV. The five year project tracks working class citizens’ fears and battle to save their mountains, culture, and homes.
Sam Pancake is a renowned television and film actor as well as theatrical performer. He has worked in Hollywood for several decades with an astounding range of credits and accolades.
IMDB http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0659143/
Catherine Pancake is an award-winning filmmaker and sound artist. Her work has been presented nationally and internationally in a wide variety of venues, including the Museum of Modern Art, Royal Ontario Museum, Baltimore Museum of Art, Academy of Fine Arts Prague and Big Screen Plaza, Herald Square NYC. Her awards include the Paul Robeson Independent Media Award, Jack Spadaro Documentary Award, Maryland State Arts Council Individual Artist Award, the Silver Chris, and Edes Foundation Emerging Artist Fellowship at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her films have been broadcast in the U.S.A. and Great Britain (Sundance Channel, PBS, FreeSpeech TV, CommunityChannelUK) and are distributed by Bullfrog Films and the Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre. Sound art releases can be found on Ehse Records and Recorded in Baltimore. Pancake completed her MFA at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in May 2012. She is currently an Assistant Professor at Temple University in the Film and Media Arts Program. Pancake’s recent video work for Citizen Sense (Goldsmiths/University of London) was instrumental in the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection’s allocation of $1.25M for air pollution monitoring around natural gas extraction and compression sites (fracking) in Northeastern PA. Pancake’s work has recently been covered by Vice, Artforum, and NPR.