Arts & cultural work from the Philippine liberation movement
Opening Reception: Friday, January 5, 2024| 6-9pm | Free-To-Attend
Friday, January 5, 2024 – Sunday, February 12, 2024
Presented in Gallery One
About the Exhibition
Will we ever see the change that we desire? Or are we meant to adapt to new visions of liberation? THIS IS YOUR SIGN TO KEEP GOING presents video-based agitprop & culturals from the Philippine National Democratic movement throughout the decades.
Arts & cultural work has a vital role to play in movement work: exposing systemic issues to the masses, and at the same time, inspiring collective freedom from oppression. This exhibition shares protest chants, films, interviews, songs, line dance routines, educational TikToks, and more that have been passed down and around in the Philippine movement. These cultural works in English and Tagalog (and many other dialects) teach the practice of resistance, to instill a sense of nationalism as a historically colonized country/neo-colony, and to sustain an internationalist mass movement toward revolution. All while making space for fun and share in the joy of creation.
About the Artist
KT Pe Benito is a time-based arts & cultural worker, hybrid-virtual events producer, and organizer navigating access and dismantling dominator culture. KT Pe Benito serves as a Collective Member of Vox Populi Gallery and as the 2023-24 Education Development co-Officer of Anakbayan Philadelphia.
Anakbayan is an organization that seeks to unite the youth from different sectors of society to advance the cause of national democracy. Anakbayan holds the belief that Philippine society today is neither free nor democratic as it is under the control of U.S imperialism, along with local landlords, big capitalists, and corrupt government officials. The National Democratic Struggle seeks to realize true national liberation for the country and the realization of the democratic rights of the people.