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Friday, June 14, 2019 | 7-10pm
BedTalks XI: Philadelphia Edition
Presented by GRAFT Collective

BedTalks XI: Philadelphia Edition

Presented by GRAFT Collective

Friday, June 14, 2019 | 7-10pm | $5-8 Sliding Scale

Get comfy and listen up! We invite you to join us for the 11th rendition of BedTalks organized by GRAFT Collective and co-hosted at at Vox Poplui in Philadelphia!

BedTalks are short lectures, accompanied by slides, given from the comfort of someone else’s bed. Each speaker, given only the parameters of 20 slides in 10 minutes, create presentations on anything they like. Talks range from educational to absurd, global concepts to deeply personal stories.

Our lineup of speakers include:
GRAFT Collective
Kris Rumman
Lauren Fueyo
Alexandria Nazar + McCullen Sandora
Layla Mrozowski
Juliana Wisdom
Quinton Maldonado
Jungmok Yi
Elizabeth Shores + Vikram Patel Esq.
Alex Schechter

Following is descriptions of their talks!
Hope to see you there!

GRAFT Collective: Jessica Chao, Beth Hansen, Cecilia McKinnon, Jazmyn Crosby
“The Beast”
GRAFT will revisit “The Beast,” a 2018 performance originally presented in response to painter Ciel Bergman’s “The Linens” at the Center For Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe. The performance reflects on themes of embodiment, gender identity, and the dynamics of collaboration among the four of us as women artists and close friends. Through gestures of playful abjectivity, the act of collaboration becomes a creative exercise within itself, a form of world making, and an opportunity to re-write socialized expectations around platonic and creative intimacies.

Kris Rumman
“The Glass Vessel”
The glass maker traces her history alongside the evolution of the glass container.

Lauren Fueyo
“Life As A Roll Of Paper: Evening Edition”
A roll of paper tries to get into bed in 10 minutes.

Alexandria Nazar + McCullen Sandora
“Do we live in a multiverse?”
Do other universes exist? This is possibly the most controversial question in theoretical physics today. Since other universes are probably impossible to observe directly, many decry even discussing this idea in a scientific context. I will give the main motivations for considering and several concrete ways of testing the existence of other universes within the next few decades.

Layla Mrozowski
“Memphis Design”
“…a shotgun wedding between Bauhaus and Fisher-Price” – Bertrand Pellegrin
“A piece of Memphis furniture is a linguistically controlled assembly whose final form is not the result of a design story held together by constructive coherence, but a milk shake of possibilities…” – Barbara Radice

Juliana Wisdom
“The Ideologies of Minimalism, Ornament, and Polychromatic Antiquities: Exploring Erasure and Renovation of History through Aesthetics”
This visual essay, examines the erasure of polychromy in restoration of ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, 19th and 20th century European thought on ornamentation and modernism, and the contemporary trend towards minimalism in gentrifying neighborhoods. The themes explored in polychromatic antiquities (erasure, fragmentation, reconstruction, value) are presented alongside contemporary aesthetic considerations, and informed by shared and divergent materials used to construct visual language. In all of these gentrifying neighborhoods’ renovation processes, I’ve witnessed the sterilization of space in an attempt at revealing the beauty of utilitarian value. Much like antiquities in 19th century European museums; even when remnants of ornament and color survive time, the vision of superiority was to strip it away. Is it a desire to cleanse?

Quinton Maldonado
“Hauntings In Motion: Specters of the Past and Future in an Age of Hyperacceleration”
There is an unshakeable sense that we being haunted by the ghosts of our past and possible futures waiting to be actualized. This feeling, however, is at odds with our moment in time in which the speed of life is greater than ever and our ability to hold onto a knowable present seems nearly impossible. How are we to understand our place in such a contradictory moment? How can we to respond to a world whose inertia feels unstoppable? By engaging these questions as they relate to the present moment as well as the way they have been approached by previous generations, we will hopefully start to exorcise these specters and anxieties and begin to approach life with a renewed sense of clarity.

Jungmok Yi
“Relearning How To Love: Romance? Love?”
Relearning how to love is an ongoing trans-disiplinary project on examining the idea/ definition of love as a non binary persyn.

Elizabeth Shores + Vikram Patel Esq.
“My Presence Is Productive”
In this public declaration, My Presence Is Productive’s legal council will stage a reading with examples of how the corporation defines personhood, presence, and performativity.

Alex Schechter
“Beefcake: Rulon Gardner Greco-Roman Wrestling, And The American Hamburger.”
This talk focuses on the career of Olympic Wrestling gold-medalist Rulon Gardner, examining his legacy both a story of post-Cold War politics playing out in the arena of sport and as an examination of the complications around the ties to American masculinity and diet.

Please note that Vox Populi is located on the third floor of a historic warehouse building at 319 N. 11th Street and that there are five steps leading from the street-level to the first-floor landing where the passenger elevator picks-up/drops-off. The entry into/out of the elevator is 29-inches wide, so may not accommodate all wheelchairs or motorized chairs. Any individual requiring a ramp to navigate this entryway is encouraged to get in touch with Vox Populi ahead of time to coordinate ramp-access and discuss accessibility details. Our ramps may not be suitable for all wheelchairs or motorized chairs, so we strongly encourage anyone requiring a ramp to be in touch at: or 215.238.1236

BedTalks XI: Philadelphia Edition
June 14, 2019 @ 7:00 pm
June 14, 2019 @ 10:00 pm