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Watch Video of the Livestream on the Vox Website!
5 Minute Fest: Online Performance Showcase Benefitting Sustain Jail Support Philadelphia
Vox Populi Presents Digital Doings!

Watch documentation of the livestream above!

5 Minute Fest Benefitting Sustain Jail Support Philadelphia
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 | 7pm
Hosted By: Blanche Brown
Suggested Donation (benefitting Sustain Jail Support Philadelphia): $10
Send your donation via VenMo: @Blanche-Brown
Line Up
Thomas Lauria // Frances All The Time // Emmanuela Soria Ruiz // Jesse Harrod + Dan Foley // Maddie Hewitt // Diva Baby // Robert David Carey // Tyler Kline + Natalie Hijinx // Valentina Soto // Quarantet 2020 // Eli Goldstone // Camilo Cárdenas // Jazmyn Crosby // __ng__v // Jessi Ali Lin

About The Event
Born during the early days of quarantine and just coming to the light on the inter-webs, Minute Fest is a digital performance festival open to all who want to participate in time experiments. 5 Minute Fest is the third edition, in which each performance (both live and pre-recorded) will be no more and no less than 5 minutes long.

While 5 Minute Fest is free-to-watch right here on the Vox Populi website we encourage all attendees to VenMo a $10 suggested donation to the following handle: @Blanche-Brown

Watch documentation of 1 Minute Fest and 3 Minute Fest on the Vox Website!

Agreed upon by all our performers (and in lieu of tipping them directly), all funds collected will be matched up to $200 by Vox Populi and donated in the name of our participating artists to Sustain Jail Support Philadelphia, an initiative to support Goldenrod Transportation’s team of Black, formerly-incarcerated drivers to do jail support at $30/hr, six days a week, for several prisons and jails along State Road, Philadelphia, for the next two years.

For more information about Sustain Jail Support Philadlephia, visit:

5 Minute Fest Benefitting Sustain Jail Support Philadelphia
September 30, 2020 @ 7:00 pm
December 31, 2020 @ 7:00 pm