8static 4B with ap0c // exileFaker // sylcmyk // Claire Kwong
8static 4B – Philadelphia’s Chip Music Show
Saturday, June 11th, 2016
7:00pm at Vox Populi – ALL AGES!
Tickets $7-$10 – exclusive sticker with $10 entry
Live video stream on Twitch @8static
We are back to monthly shows at our new venue and ALL AGES again!
Workshop 7pm:
Open Mic 8pm – 5 min/one song max!
Showtime 9pm
ap0c (PHL)
Steve Lakawicz (ap0c) uses chiptune and tuba and synths and drums and sometimes memes to create the chipsounds that people like sometimes. He will be joined by Kev Ragone on drums – be on the look out for “orange soundcloud ball”.
exileFaker (NYC)
Since late 2008, Alex Kiefer (exileFaker) has been composing music for the Nintendo Game Boy. His sound is the result of careful selection from among the products of who knows what unconscious processes.
sylcmyk (NYC)
sylcmyk is a musical experiment influenced by a plethora of apple sauce, funky jazz, classical music, video games from the 90s & kawaii things! It’s the moniker of SYLVESTER DRAGGON JR, a classical pianist & composer who spent a large portion of his childhood playing Sonic 3, collecting Pokémon cards, watching Toonami & practicing Chopin.
Claire Kwong (NYC)
Claire Kwong makes interactive art and glitchy visuals to dramatize her personal experience with technology. Claire works across mediums, including digital, installation, and performance art. Her artwork explores how technology mediates human identity, interaction, and the body.