Deveykus, Ahleuchatistas, Tia & Tamara, and Jonathan Pfeffer
Tuesday September 10, 2013
AUX Space, 319 N 11th Street 3rd Floor
Doors at 8PM, Show at 9PM
$7 suggested donation
Deveykus is the newest of trombonist Dan Blacksberg’s re-imaginings of traditional Ashkenazic Jewish Music, and perhaps his most powerful to date. The mastermind behind Electric Simcha, a band that turbo-charged classic Hasidic melodies of celebration with the speed and sound of hardcore punk rock, Blacksberg delves into the spiritual side of Hasidic nigunim (wordless melodies) in order to draw out another new sound, this time inspired by Doom bands like Earth, and Sunn O))), from this well-worn tradition.
In 2012, Blacksberg brought together 5 musicians whose work spans experimental rock, metal, and Jewish music to form the band that would execute this new sound, Deveykus. Meaning “To cleave” to god and referring to both an ecstatic, trance-like state brought on by the singing of nigunim, and the name of the style of nign meant to bring on that state, Deveykus is a new band that brings the sounds of Jewish music fully into the world of experimental doom metal.
Ahleuchatistas is guitarist Shane Perlowin and drummer Ryan Oslance on a musical odyssey of pure imagination,limitless in influences, combining tight-knit composition with improvisation, and delivering powerful live shows.The project was founded in Asheville, NC in 2002 and has evolved organically in its near-decade long history. Identified as a math rock duo, they open up the genre to mix influences of jazz, progressive rock, and avant-garde sound works to create a unique sound.
Jonathan Pfeffer is a Philadelphia-based composer, baritone, and multimedia artist operating on the perimeters of contemporary music, DIY punk, and performance art. Pfeffer’s music variously inspires (The Wire: musical fragments are layered one upon another, resulting as often in dense polyrhythm as they do in deliciously intertwined melodic lines), antagonizes (Pitchfork: ….teases listeners with surprising bits of poppy melody before yanking out the rug) and mystifies (PopMatters: Like a perplexing film you have to (and want to) watch more than once). The challenge of communicating the complexity and absurdity of everyday experience provokes Pfeffer’s work across media.