February First Friday
Featuring Performances by HER.E i see lotus Artists Salome Kokoladze & Yilu Yang
Friday, February 1, 2019 | 6-10pm | Free to Attend
Join us on Friday, February 1, 2019 from 6-10pm for February First Friday! Always free-to-attend, celebrate our current exhibitions (including On identity, home and diaspora: through the eyes of YallaPunk’s community, Gender Facks / everybody is a dummy, an exhibition by KC Crow Maddux, and Auntie Kym), as well as the premiere of Part Two of HER.E i see lotus, a film & video exhibition and performance program curated by Luxin Zhang as part of our 4th Wall series.
Two artists featured in HER.E i see lotus, Part II, will be performing during the event. From 7-9pm, Yilu Yang will perform Living in the imaginary history. A durational performance based on Chinese classical culture, Yang’s work explores the connections between recreating traditional cultural behavior and enjoying virtual entertainment.
At 8pm, Salome Kokoladze will present Stage I. In nature documentaries it is typical to see lions spending much of their time lazing around, sleeping in fields. Predators spend more time sleeping than their prey, which attempt to increase their chance of survival by staying vigilant for longer amount of time. Stage I emerged out of observing bodies that move despite muscle fatigue, exhaustion, and stress. Being in between wakefulness and deep sleep is the basis of Kokoladze’s choreographic practice. Traumatized bodies cannot fully relax, and are perpetually on the watch. On one hand, Kokoladze is interested in exhaustion that results from the daily existence of a body that does not feel safe. On the other hand, exhaustion can be utilized as a ritual technique to reach ecstasy. Kokoladze’s performance attempts to bring daily exhaustion into a ritualistic space as a way to repurpose habits that weaken the body into movements that nourish it.
Please note that the main passenger elevator at the 319 N. 11th building is currently being replaced and that we lack main entryway elevator services to our venue on the third floor. While under usual circumstances we can provide a mobile-ramp for wheelchair entry into the building, our ramp does not accommodate the back stairwell leading to the freight elevator. Individuals in wheelchairs or needing elevator service should contact Vox Populi ahead of their arrival to discuss potential alternatives: 215-238-1236 / events@voxpopuligallery.org