In Gratitude: Poetry & Short Fiction Virtual Reading
Featuring: Sarah Thankam Mathews, Enrique Garcia, Zefyr Lisowski, Joselia Hughes, and Grace Byron
Sunday, August 28, 2022 | 7:00 PM ET / 6:00 PM CT | On Zoom
In Gratitude was a poetry and short fiction reading marking the end of the summer. Presented by Vox Populi Gallery in Philly and hosted by artist collective member KT Pe Benito, this Zoom event featured Sarah Thankam Mathews, Enrique Garcia, Zefyr Lisowski, Joselia Hughes, and Grace Byron.
Venmo @KT-PeB to help pay our readers or see individual Venmo handles below.
About the Readers
Sarah Thankam Mathews: Sarah Thankam Mathews grew up between Oman and India, immigrating to the United States at seventeen. She is a recipient of a Best American Short Stories 2020 award and fellowships from the Asian American Writers Workshop and the Iowa Writers Workshop. All This Could Be Different is her first novel.
More Info: smathewss.com / IG @smathewss / Twitter @smathewss / Venmo @Sarah-Mathews (4487)
Enrique Garcia: Enrique Garcia is a poet and creative nonfiction writer currently based in Chicago.
More Info: IG @venezuelanboyfriend / Venmo @pinotandrogyno
Zefyr Lisowski: Zefyr Lisowski is a Southern trans woman poet and essayist based in New York City. She’s a poetry co-editor at Apogee Journal and the author of the Lizzie Borden queer murder chapbook Blood Box (Black Lawrence Press 2019). Zefyr has received support from Blue Mountain Center, Tin House Summer Writers Workshop, and elsewhere; her poems and essays have appeared in Catapult, The Offing, The Rumpus, and many other places. She grew up in the Great Dismal Swamp, NC, and lives at zeflisowski.com.
More Info: zeflisowski.com / IG @zefrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr / Twitter @zefrrrrrrr / Venmo @zef-lisowski
Joselia Rebekah Hughes: Joselia Rebekah Hughes is a writer, artist, editor, and educator living in The Bronx. She’s going to forego the formal introduction and say: Lately, I’ve been taking pictures to remind myself of the many ways we vision, see and do presence.
More Info: joselia.info / IG @joseliahughes / Twitter @joselia_pdf / Venmo @joselia
Grace Byron: Grace Byron is a writer from Indianapolis based in Brooklyn. She used to make films. Her writing and work has appeared in Observer, AV Club, Peach Mag, and Hyperallergic. She tweets @emotrophywife.
More Info: gracebyron.substack.com / Twitter @emotrophywife / Venmo @hi-grace-byron