(IN)VISIBILITY: A panel on identity, technology & surveillance
With Johann Diedrick, Kenyssa Evans, and Harris Kornstein
Moderated by Roopa Vasudevan
Tuesday, January 11, 2022 | 6pm EST | On Zoom
Register on EventBrite
“(In)Visibility” brings together three artists working in different forms and media, who all approach questions of what it means to be seen (and unseen) through technological and surveillant lenses. Through processes that include speech and facial recognition, oral history and storytelling, thermal printing, and drag, these artists explore the complex and multilayered intersections of identity and technology in nuanced and considered ways—unsettling common assumptions of what it means to be seen by machines, along with the powerful people and systems that create and control them.
The event features Johann Diedrick (@johanndiedrick / johanndiedrick.com), Harris Kornstein (@lilmisshotmess / harriskornstein.com), and Kenyssa Evans (@kensayhi / kenyssaevans.com), whose work is currently featured in the exhibition “Dark Sousveillance”.
The panel will be moderated by media artist, researcher, and Vox Populi collective member Roopa Vasudevan (@rouxpz / roopavasudevan.com).
“(In)Visibility” is presented as part of the current group exhibition ““Dark Sousveillance””, on view at Vox Populi through January 16; it is also presented in connection with Vasudevan’s 2021 solo exhibition at Vox, “Machine Readable”. Support for this programming was provided by the Sachs Program for Arts Innovation (@sachsartsphilly / sacharts.org).