Make/Shift: Multi-Media Content
Featured in Make/Shift: It Wasn’t Supposed To Be Like This is a selection of multi-media artworks by six artists working in video, animation, performance, and 3D modeling. Enjoy their work here, and learn more about each artist by downloading a copy of the Make/Shift ePublication, here!
Jump To: alejandro t. acierto / Andrea Barnes / Jan Brugger / Malkia Okech / Zac Thompson / Andrea Walls
Puro, 2019, digital video, 8 min + 33 sec
alejandro t. acierto: alejandroacierto.com / @alejandroacierto
Ma Chienne (Performance), 2019, digital video documentation of live performance, 5 min + 37 sec
Presented at the 2019 Maryland Institute College Of Art Multi Media Event You Are Here.
Music by Peabody Conservatory of Johns Hopkins University Students Joe Miller and Scott Li Performed by Zack Parker, Troy Taylor, Reuben Francois, Joe Miller, Danny Bitton, Miles Barrnett, Wyatt Acardi, and Glen Smakula.
Andrea Barnes: andreabarnes.squarespace.com / @beastly_boots
Transcendental Metaworry, 2020, digital video, 11min + 25sec
Jan Brugger: janbrugger.com / @jannybooger
Memory Studio Experiment 1: Luo Chief Wear, 2020, 3D Model
Malkia Okech: mokech.com / @ostrogothz
You May Touch My Dust But Please Don’t Write In It, 2019, pastel and charcoal on site-specific wall with performance, audio and custom dress, 1min + 32sec
It Felt Like You Were a Guest In My House and I Was Too Nice to Ask You to Leave, 2019, pastel and charcoal on site-specific wall with performance, audio and custom dress, 2min + 50sec
Zac Thompson: zacthompsonart.com / @zacrilegious
From the D’Archive, 2018, Animated Digital Collage, 1min + 10sec
Andrea Walls: thedarchive.com / theblackbodycurve.com / @urbanarchivist