Nov 4th 7pm (during the Opening Reception)
Nov 6th 4pm
Nov 19th 5pm (followed by a performance by LA-based vocal artist Odeya Nini, more info below)
Dec 2nd 8pm (during First Friday Reception)
Dec 18 2pm (during Gallery Talk)
All events are FREE.
Meg Foley is a Philadelphia-based performer, choreographer, and director of moving parts, the name she ascribes to her various dance- and performance-based actions that explore the materiality of dance and physical identity as form. Her current research focuses on the nature and affect of ongoing improvisational practice and on improvisation and choreography as simultaneous practices of performance. Her work has been presented locally by the Philadelphia FringeArts Festival, Bowerbird, Thirdbird, and Icebox Project Space, and in New York City, Los Angeles, Canada, Germany, and Poland.
Her research has been supported by the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage, the Independence Foundation, and through a 2013 Stary Browar Cultural Exchange Residency (Poland). She is creative co-director of The Whole Shebang, an interdisciplinary arts space and studio in South Philadelphia that hosts workshops and classes and provides studio rental to artists at affordable rates.
movingpartsdance.org // thewholeshebangphilly.com // actionisprimary.com