A panel in conjunction with the art exhibit Alien She which will discuss creating artwork, curation, self-publishing and how active internet collectives support artists within the feminist scope.
Grace Miceli of Art Baby
Diana Cirullo and Emily Thompson of THE LE SIGH
Lauren Cook of Peachy Keen
Kelly Phillips and Claire Folkman of Dirty Diamonds
Moderated by Beth Heinly
Each invited panelist will be conducting a presentation related to their practice. These practices center around creating a platform for feminist ideologies through online galleries, tumblr sites that operate collectively and self-published anthologies.
The artists all come from varying backgrounds including the comic book industry, higher education and the contemporary art world. The discussion topics will touch on the transition from third wave feminism to fourth wave feminism by means of communities that create support via the internet. We will talk about how the internet has changed the political context of the perspective of the individual vs the community.
In relation to the idea of inclusivity present in third wave feminism, the panelists will speak about their capacity to give voice to underrepresented artists through their practice. We will also be focusing on a number of questions that are raised around zine production in relation to the current wide-ranging access of the internet – how has the zine format thrived? Zines were useful in reaching a larger audience prior to blogs and online social networks – why are they still essential today? Are they the same labor of love they always have been? Are they still potent by virtue of inspiring political activism?
P A N E L I S T S :
Art Baby gallery is an online exhibition space managed by Grace Miceli. Art Baby aims to be an inclusive site that celebrates multimedia artists in the beginning stages of their career-through monthly solo exhibitions. Art Baby is particularly interested in showcasing work by artists who consider digitally to be a main focus of their practice.
Grace Miceli is a digital artist who some may know better through her tumblr partywitch. She is a poet with a penchant for the 90’s. Her two recent self-published works are “We Would Be Sisters” and “Fade Into You”. Her all-girl aesthetic transitions from her artwork to poetry and online exhibition space, Art Baby Gallery.
baby [bey-bee]
1. An endearing term that can be used for either sex
2. A person you love a lot and want to call a cute name
i.e. YIBAs or Young Internet Based Artists
THE LE SIGH is a blog that highlights women in music and art.
Diana Cirullo is a writer currently based in New York. She runs music-meets-arts-blog THE LE SIGH and has a serious love for girl bands, zine culture, and pistachio nuts.
Emily Thompson is the Music Editor of THE LE SIGH. She has an unhealthy obsession with thrift stores, her bangs, and the Kardashians.
Peachy Keen Collective is an online based project exploring the theme of the digital girl in her digital world. The internet has a huge role in shaping the new identity of young female expression, and PKC attempts to be a platform for the validity of this work.
Lauren Cookis an art student currently located in Baltimore, Maryland where she studies ceramics.
Dirty Diamonds is an all-girl comic anthology. We seek to highlight the lives and talents
of women in comics today, as well as provide a dedicated space for telling (semi) autobiographical stories. With the upcoming fifth issue, we’re showcasing the big moments in our comics experiences. Everyone loves and found comics in a different way, and we want to read all about it!
Kelly Phillips is a cartoonist based out of Philadelphia and is somewhat well-adjusted to being an adult. She likes to get angry, get food, and get to sleep. Co-Editor of DIRTY DIAMONDS.
Claire Folkman maintains her studio at Mercer St. Studios in Fishtown, Philadelphia, where she works on her mail art, video performance, auto-bio comics and romance collage projects. Co-Editor of DIRTY DIAMONDS.