this is an assembly to organize, grieve, share and build solidarity in the wake of the Ghost Ship fire & in the face of current threats to DIY spaces both nationally & locally.
6:30 _ tea & snacks sharing. [bring something if able]
7:00 sharp _ meeting. introductions. establish concerns, agenda, etc.
8:00 _ break out discussions, working groups, project planning, etc.
***Please share this event with friends and colleagues who may be involved & impacted by this so we can best represent and discuss the diversity of issues facing spaces in Philadelphia.***
This community assembly is called to ask: How can we make our spaces safer? what are the changing implications of running a self organized or DIY space? What should we learn in our DIY communities to realize best practices in our buildings? How might we develop stability and safety despite perpetutal displacement in a changing real estate landscape? How might we address the difficulties arising at the intersections of creative place making, limited finances, safety, security, and gentrification?
This meeting is especially geared towards bringing together those directly involved in the making of creative spaces, from house shows to scrappy non-profits to artist live/work, and those in the expanded community with relevant skills and experience. In line with the initial aims of www.saferspac.es, we’d like to find those seeking help with their spaces, those impacted from afar by the Ghost Ship tragedy, and those who want to build security within our creative community in a changing Philadelphia.
*****Please no press or voyeurs- this gathering is meant to offer a safe space for organizing.*****
If unable to make it, please go to www.saferspac.es to sign up for sharing / requesting resources & skills, and to be updated on national & local efforts (a philadelphia specific email list). write saferspacessaferspaces@gmail.com if you want to offer specific support for local efforts beyond the concerns of the web forms.
Minutes will be taken and shared here after the event with further notes about future gatherings, actions, and information.