POETRY READING: A. Razor, Brian Ecklund, Lyndsay Coloracci & Amy Saul-Zerby
Monday July, 13th 7PM, $7-$10 suggested donation
Please join us for an evening of poetry readings from the following writers; A. Razor, Brian Ecklund, Lyndsay Coloracci & Amy Saul-Zerby.
A. Razor co-founded Punk Hostage Press and Words As Works. He attempts to make sense of this world through a literary community he has participated in worldwide since 1980. His writing reflects a life spent on the run, imprisoned, homeless, making graffiti art, music and creating other media as circumstances permitted. He is an outspoken social justice advocate for many causes and believes in healing trauma through literary process and therapy.
Brian Ecklund is a 22-year-old graphic designer, photographer, musician, poem artist, & friend living outside of Philadelphia, PA.
Lyndsay Coloracci is a Philadelphia-based internet ghost who likes sitting down. Her work has been published in Shabby Doll House, and her twitter is @cuddleordie.
Amy Saul-Zerby lives in Philadelphia. She is managing editor of VoicemailPoems.org, and her first collection of poetry is forthcoming on Punk Hostage Press. Her writing has been featured in The YOLO Pages, Painted Bride Quarterly and TheNewerYork. Find her online at amysaulzerby.com.