The Everybody Ekphrastic Audio Tour
3-Part Writing and Audio Workshop by Levi Bentley, Bea Huff Hunter and Matt Kalasky
Presented as part of Just In Time: 30 Years of Collective Practice
Workshop Schedule
Sunday, May 5, 2019 | 2-4 PM | Public writing workshop
Sunday, May 12, 2019 | 2-4 PM | Public writing workshop
Sunday, May 19, 2019 | 2-4 PM | Public writing workshop
Friday, June 7, 2019 | First Friday Opening | Debut of Audio Tour
Contribute your experience, words, and voice to create a community-generated audio tour for Just In Time: 30 Years of Collective Practice.
Drop in to the gallery for a writing workshop facilitated by poet Levi Bentley, critic Bea Huff Hunter, and artist Matt Kalasky who will guide you to write, think, and feel your way through the art on view with activities that use movement and conversation to break down barriers around feelings of access and prioritize your experience and connection with the work. You’ll write a personal response or poem to an artwork that speaks to you, and (if you choose) record a reading of your piece that will be made into an audio tour accompanying the exhibition.
No special knowledge of art is required, just openness and curiosity. The self-guided audio tour debuts June 7 at our First Friday event, and will be kick-offed with a special live walking audio tour event, featuring readings from workshop participants. The audio tour will remain open to the public till the exhibition ends on June 23.
About the Artists
Levi Bentley is a poet living in Philadelphia. They organize the reading series Housework, edit the journal Boneless Skinless, write for Artblog, and are an artist member Vox Populi. “Bucolic Eclogue” was released from Lamehouse Press in July 2016. Their chapbooks (“Obstacle, Particle, Spectacle”, “&parts”, and “Stub Wilderness”) were released from 89plus/LUMA Foundation, Damask Press, and Well Greased Press, respectively. Vitrine released their tape “Red Green Blue”. Poems have appeared through 491, Apiary, Bedfellows, BlazeVOX, Boog City, Elective Affinities, Fact-Simile, Gigantic Sequins, No Infinite, Madhouse, Maestra Vida, Magic Pictures, Painted Bride Quarterly, Small Po[r]tions, Stillwater Review, The Wanderer, Tinge and Truck.
More Info: levibentley.com
Bea Huff Hunter is a British writer and researcher living in Philadelphia. Her recent reviews, interviews, and essays are in Artforum, frieze, Sculpture, and Two Coats of Paint. She has organized reading and writing workshops at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), Kelly Writers House, Penn’s Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing, and Ulises Books. Bea curated several online artist commissions for ICA, including A Fine Line by Tamarin Norwood, 13 Years of HIV/AIDS on Wikipedia by Florian Krautli, and Af·fixing Ceremony: Four Movements for Essex by Tiona McClodden. Her current research-and-creative project responds to artist Moyra Davey’s strategies of reflection, recursion, and refusal through photography and writing. Bea participated in the CUE Art Foundation Art Critic Mentoring Program; the Getty Foundation and Harvard metaLAB’s “Beautiful Data” summer institute on storytelling about art-related data; and the Warhol Foundation Art Writers Workshop, a program of AICA-USA and Creative Capital. Bea is the recipient of grants from the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Association of Art Historians, and The Sachs Program for Arts Innovation.
More Info: beckyhuffhunter.net
Matt Kalasky is a designer, critic and arts organizer living in Philadelphia. PAST TIME: He received his MFA in Sculpture from the Tyler School of Art, was the Director and Co-Founder of the online arts organization The St. Claire, and was a member of the Vox Populi artist collective. DAY TIME: He is the Education and Programs Manager at The Galleries at Moore College of Art & Design where he oversees all community collaborations, programming, and education initiatives. NIGHT TIME: He is a frequent graphic essay, review, and editorial contributor to the Philadelphia Artblog. ALL THE TIME: With Mike Treffen, he is I am the One Who Knocks — Philadelphia’s second-best lecture-onica soul-cialist cover jam band.
More Info: mattkalasky.com