WEEDEATER Documentary Screening with radical ecologist NANCE KLEHM and filmmaker EDEN BATKI, followed by WE THE WEEDS’ Philadelphia flora-inspired cocktails.
Discussion with NANCE, EDEN, and WE THE WEEDS’ ZYA S. LEVY and KAITLIN POMERANTZ to follow screening.
Wednesday, January 25, 7:00–9:00pm
Admission: $7-9 (sliding scale)
WEEDEATER is a documentary about Nance Klehm, a plant communicator and radical ecologist. This film is an art collaboration and invitation for community participation and sustainable cohabitation.
NANCE KLEHM is a Steward of the Earth. She is an ecological systems designer, a permacultural grower, a horticultural consultant and a talented and much sought after teacher and speaker. She is respected internationally for her work on land politics and growing for fertility. Meeting her for the first time feels as though you are catching her mid sentence and mid-stride. WEEDEATER trots along side Nance through various landscapes, gathering together a collection of her thoughts and philosophies on everything from wild, uncultivated weeds to “the dark cosmos” – soil. An accurate portrait of Klehm would be impossible to confine to a formal or traditional documentary narrative. Instead, WEEDEATER attempts to sketch Klehm’s character as well as reflect the depth and complexity of her intimate relationship with the earth and all of its inhabitants in the unique and intimate structure and style of this experimental film.
http://weedeaterdocumentary.com/ | http://spontaneousvegetation.net/bio/ | http://socialecologies.net/about/projects/ | http://edenbatki.com/
WE THE WEEDS is a recurring botanical arts project originating in Philadelphia that explores the relationship between humans and nature, built and wild space. WE THE WEEDS has lead ethnobotanical plant tours, culinary and sensory plant experiences, school and public outreach projects, and created public art installations and gallery exhibitions. WE THE WEEDS is a collaboration between visual artist and educator KAITLIN POMERANTZ and artist and botanist ZYA S. LEVY.
COCKTAILS free/by donation, all proceeds go to the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC).
http://wetheweeds.tumblr.com/ | http://www.kaitlinpomerantz.com/we-the-weeds/