An ongoing performance series featuring performance artists within the Philadelphia area experimenting w/ performance art broadened within the scope of feminist Art. Weyrd Wimmen is a group of performers who self-curate an evening of performance through invitation, discourse, humor and weirdness.
Beth Heinly
Cory Kram
Emma Branson
Kate Speidel
Sonia Petruse
Please join us for this very special Valentine’s Day special our 2nd Weyrd Wimmen. If you are returning, we welcome you more so than others. *hugs*
Beth Heinly
“A Date w/ the Audience” Not sure everyone will be as turned on as I am.
Cory Kram
“Heart-Shaped Face,” How does a heart-shaped box feel on Valentine’s Day? Cory Kram presents a movement piece that explores Valentine’s Day gifts.
Emma Branson
Experimental cabaret for curious romantics and the devastatingly star struck.
Kate Speidel
I want to go to sleep but I go to openings. I want to slam my body on the ground but I shift my weight back and forth. I am a bad person.
If she continues turning away she will just be rotating her self.
Sonia Petruse
Sonia Petruse returns in her drag inspired role as Ryan Adams in “Sonia as Ryan, Ryan As Drag”. Prepare to hear about how Philly breaks her fucking heart & how Facebook memories can drive one to a form of insanity that no Buddhist, psychoanalyst or poison, preferably whiskey, could cure. Love is Hell & Wish You Were Here. Lucky in love, not in life. We look at the infinite parallels & polarized reflections between Sonia & Ryan… in one body. Pinball lovers who wear cat apparel & stuffed animal best friends greatly encouraged to attend. “Stay Weird.” -DRA
$5 Suggested Donation