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Future Ecologies
Group Exhibition Spanning All Galleries
Friday, September 24, 2021 - Sunday, October 31, 2021

Future Ecologies

Friday, September 24, 2021 – Sunday, October 31, 2021
Open: Fri-Sun, noon-6pm (or by appointment)
Organized By: Danny Orendorff
Featuring: Blanche Brown, Emily Carris-Duncan & Joanne Douglas, Dakota Gearhart, Rian Ciela Hammond, Maddie Hewitt, Mandy Katz, Natalie Kuenzi, Melissa Langer & Roopa Vasudevan, Kay Seohyung Lee, Malachi Lily, Kirk McCarthy, Nicole Olivieri Pagán (ElociN), Salvador Muñoz, Makeba Rainey & Julien Terrell, Raúl Romero, Zac Skinner, Misty Sol, Lane Speidel, Aaron Terry, and Tiny Farm Wagon

Vox Populi is open Noon-6pm, Fridays-Sundays, or by appointment (email: vox@voxpopuligallery.org).
Due to the pandemic, only 12 guests are permitted to Vox Populi at one time and masks are required while on-site. You may schedule your visit ahead of time via EventBrite or are also welcome to drop-in during normal gallery hours.

About the Exhibition

Future Ecologies is an exhibition of contemporary art projects that seek to reorient individual and collective relationships to nature in its current state of emergency. Taking climate breakdown as a given condition of our time, the artworks on view propose visions for what may lie ahead, oscillating between the fantastical and the practical – where invention tends to thrive.

Featuring over 20 artists, including several members of the Vox Populi Collective, Future Ecologies is a sprawling exhibition including vibrant, hallucinatory, provocative, and political approaches to ecologically-themed art making today. Scroll down to the Artist Section below to be linked to individual artist project pages.

For many exhibiting artists, imagining life in the future entails drawing upon ancestral methods of survival and skill-sharing, as well as Pre-Columbian or non-Western paradigms of deifying, learning from, and interacting with nature. Others fantasize about the end of human-supremacy on Earth, imagining a coming landscape replete with rapid mutation and highly evolved hybrid lifeforms – hinting at a bio-diverse future (and past) that contains multitudes of genders, sexualities, and species.

Despite our bleak forecast at present, Future Ecologies is not de facto dystopian. It is, instead, curious about whatever world comes next, who inhabits it safely, and how.

Stay tuned for the release of a small publication documenting Future Ecologies, to be released towards the closing of the exhibition. Special thanks to the Philadelphia Foundation and the Edna W. Andrade Grant for their support of this project.

Artist Projects & Profiles

About the Organizer

Danny Orendorff is a curator and writer whose work explores the intersections of DIY and/or craft-oriented cultural production, histories of grassroots social-justice activism, and theories of gender and sexuality. Currently, Orendorff works as Executive Director of Vox Populi in Philadelphia, PA. He was previously Curator of Public Programs at the Museum of Arts and Design (NY, NY) and Program Director at Threewalls (Chicago, IL). He co-teaches a Professional Practices seminar at Tyler School or Art at Temple University, and has independently curated for museums and non-profit arts organizations nationwide.
More Info: DanDannyDaniel.com