Crombie debuts the latest in her series of animations collectively titled Aloof Hills, which follows a dysfunctional Civil War-era plantation family through their at times disturbing, at times all-too-familiar lives. In creating these animated narratives, Crombie draws from Christian Revisionist coloring books, art photography, porn, and popular music. This time it’s Mother’s Birthday and they’ve organized quite a show for her on the Aloof Hills Plantation. The whole family is entertained by comedy, music, magic tricks, performance art, and sexual poetry. But a year has passed, and Mother feels no further along the road. Her grown son is no man, her teenage daughter is a pregnant runaway, and God knows where Carrie Lynn goes at night. Will Mother’s lesbian lover be her salvation?
Crombie received her MFA from Rochester Institute of Technology and her BA from the University of Pittsburgh. She was a 2009 Fleisher Art Memorial Wind Challenge artist. She currently lives and works in Philadelphia.