Under the haze and spectacle of smoke, mirrors, human blood, and severed limbs, None More Black addresses the mythology of the prototypical heavy metal band Black Sabbath. None More Black is a multidisciplinary examination of the magic and iconography that have come to represent the legend of Sabbath. A darkly hued but irreverent collaboration between the artists Robert Chaney, Paul Swenbeck and Clint Takeda, None More Black continues a long running exhibition series generated by the “Scarab Heavy Metal Collective.” A revolving door of artists from the Philadelphia area, Scarab, formed in 2004, has paid homage to and skewered bands from all branches of metal music.
This particular exhibition narrows the focus to examine the at times comical and often deadly serious imagery surrounding the greatest and perhaps first heavy metal band. Perception and reality come to a shattering conclusion in None More Black as some of the most demonic and beautiful aspects of the band are examined. The artists aim to capture the complexity of one of the most primal bands to practice metal while drawing a fine line between clever and stupid.