For the last three years Catharine Maloney has been combining and recording her interest in men, television, outer space, and play in her photographic series Teleplay, Part I. Bright, makeshift costumes and backdrops are reorganized in awkward collages, displayed alongside lighthearted, glitter, watercolor, blue-tack, and marker pen constructions.
Maloney’s work has been features in blogs such as It’s Nice That, I heart Photograph, The Art Blog, I like this blog, Zoum Zoum, and Print Liberation. She recently had a collage in the inaugural issue of Excerpt Magazine and was chosen as one of Humble Art’s 31 women photographers under 31 in 2009. Also in 2009, Catharine graduated from Yale School of Art with an MFA. In 2012 Catharine graduated with an MA in Art Education from Teachers College, Columbia University.