
May 15th-June 7th, 2015
Monument Lab in Philadelphia
Featuring work by Vox Member Alexander Rosenberg

Monument Lab
Vox member Alexander Rosenberg has been selected as one of the contributors to MONUMENT LAB: CREATIVE SPECULATIONS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Monument Lab is a public art and urban research project taking place at City Hall in May 15th through June 7th, 2015. Through a series of art installations, public events, and community-sourced maps, the project asks a central guiding question: What is an appropriate monument for the current city of Philadelphia? The project will begin to explore answers at an innovative research pavilion at City Hall, a prototype monument by artist Terry Adkins, and free dialogues led by Philadelphia artists and critical thinkers using William Penn’s iconic plan for the city’s five public squares as inspiration.

From the Monument Lab site: “Philadelphia is undergoing a possible revival. Our progress, however, meets resistance from long-standing and unresolved civic challenges. In this moment of flux, we can productively draw on the city’s layers of historical memory for guidance in shaping our creative visions and core values. Monument Lab invites Philadelphians to join in this process – to speculate on the future of the city by reconsidering their relationship to urban history.”

Alexander Rosenberg’s contributions will be alongside work by the late artist Terry Adkins, Zoe Strauss, Kara Crombie, and WE THE WEEDS. The series is curated by Ken Lum, Paul Farber, and A. Will Brown.

posted: March 2, 2015 topics: