Event Rentals Coordinator Job Description 2023
Job Description
Founded in 1988, Vox Populi is an artist’s collective that works to support the challenging and experimental work of underrepresented artists with monthly exhibitions, gallery talks, performances, lectures, and related programming. For over 35 years, Vox Populi has played a unique role in the cultural life of Philadelphia by bringing our audience a diverse range of programming and providing a supportive environment in which artists can take risks and gain valuable professional experience.
In 2010, Vox Populi opened the Black Box performance space, a new Philadelphia live arts venue. Black Box Event Producers provide hands-on technical and production tasks to ensure Black Box performance events are run smoothly and in a professional manner.
Job Responsibilities
The Event Rentals Coordinator will be responsible for attracting and managing rentals at Vox Populi. The expected time commitment for the role may range from 10-20 hours per week with some hybrid work. The Event Rentals Coordinator will be responsible to provide the following:
Event Selection and Orientation
Manage correspondence with renters and potential renters through events@voxpopuligallery.org
Select events that the space can reasonably handle with regard to content and capacity
Meet with the potential renter to orient them to the space and understand the content and parameters of the event
Collect and confirm with the Executive Director that the rental fee and trash deposit has been received for rental events at least seven days prior to the event.
Produce rental agreement and hold harmless, ensure return with rental fee.
Price negotiations
The Event Rentals Coordinator shall have the discretion to offer reduced rental fees up to a total of 10% for individual events and 20% for events that last multiple days. Any further reductions must be approved by the Executive Director
- Communicate regularly with the Executive Director
- Add rental events to the Vox Populi google calendar
- Meet with the Executive Director in person at least twice per month
- Report any issues with renters or the space to the Executive Director as soon as they occur
- Alongside the Executive Director: develop a recommended vendors list and manage vendor relationships
- Liaise with the Black Box committee through blackbox@voxpopuligallery.org regarding the space, potential partners and include director@voxpopuligallery.org in all internal correspondence
- Report without delay any communication issues with internal and external collaborators including but not limited to renters, Vox Populi collective members, 319 N 11th tenants, and audience members.
Events Production
- Meet renters for space orientation during non-gallery hours
- Ensure renters have paid any invoice and report to the Executive Director
- Check Black Box for reasonable cleanliness, sweep, mop, restock bathroom where necessary
- Report any major uncleanness or disorder to director@voxpopuligallery.org and facilities@voxpopuligallery.org
- Ensure space is returned as found
- Check that trash was put in the appropriate dumpster
- Ensure space was left clean and tidy and returned to its original condition including chairs
- Review equipment checklist
- If all above is affirmed, confirm trash deposit is to be refunded to the Executive Director
- If the renter has not met their obligations, advise the renter and ED that the deposit will be kept.
Additional Responsibilities
- ERC creates marketing and promotional materials for the rental program
- ERC is responsible for social media publishing of events and providing event information to the Executive Director for website promotion
- ERC coordinates with the Executive Director for any press releases or outside media inquiries on rental programs
- ERC will be responsible for exploring other avenues of rental program promotion
- Support the Executive Director on financial reporting for the rental program
- Black Box calendar management between rental events and member driven performances
Position Oversight
The Event Rentals Coordinator reports directly to the Executive Director. The ERC will check the Black Box regularly and follow the event schedule to ensure the space is functioning properly and is appropriately cleaned after each rental. Following a 90-day probation period, there will be regular review periods every six months.
This position has the opportunity to grow and change over time based on venue need and overall demand in the rental program.
Physical Demands of Position
- Lifting and carrying 50 pounds
- Frequent bending, kneeling, reaching, and twisting
- Standing or sitting for long periods
- Climbing ladders
- The ERC will receive 20.00 dollars per hour in compensation.
- It is mutually understood that the ERC does not have a fixed schedule and instead may organize their working hours around scheduled events. The ERC is responsible for keeping a record of time worked. It is expected that the ERC will proactively plan a schedule that does not exceed 20 hours of work per week.
- The ERC may also receive a 15% commission on all rental fees, excluding staffing charges.
- The ERC will be provided with opportunities to accept tips.